Competition Information

The Northern Beaches Futsal Association (NBFA)** has been running Futsal (5-a-side soccer) for 20 years on Sydney’s Northern Beaches.

Junior Fustal Matches

With over 500 teams registered each year, the NBFA is the biggest regional Futsal Association in Australia.
Age groups range from U6 Boys & Girls through to Open Mens & Ladies, Mixed, and Over 35s.

We currently run our competitions out of 3 indoor centres and 4 artificial turf venues (both include Pizzeria and Bar).
For a full list of our venues, please click here.

Traditionally, Futsal is a summer sport, with our season kicking off for all age groups in October (registrations open July).
However, during Winter, the NBFA also runs senior competitions, which kick off in April (registrations open February).
We are happy to run Junior competitions in Winter if we generate enough interest.

One of the best things about Futsal is you make your own team!
Play with your mates, work colleagues, school friends, or even some of your family.
If you don’t have a team, not to worry—the NBFA also accepts single players and places them into teams that need extra players.

The NBFA prides itself on being the best in providing Futsal to the Northern Beaches community.
We have fully certified NSW Futsal Referees at every game in every age group, as well as a centre administrator to oversee the competition's proceedings.
Our website provides players with up-to-date results, tables, and fixtures for the entire season.

We also provide pathways for Futsal players wishing to further themselves as Futsal players.
Your local team can compete at the NSW Futsal Championships and take on the best from the state.
It is here where a player can be picked to represent NSW at the Australian Futsal Championships.
Furthermore, if a player makes Australia, then overseas opportunities may arise.
This is only one of the pathways NBFA offers to the community, along with many other opportunities such as referee courses, coaching courses, and much more.

Feel free to have a browse around our website for more details on how to register your team.

Should you require more information, feel free to contact us on (02) 9981 2528 or email